
“Europe Beats” Cancer Plan

Dancing with the elephants

Wednesday, 30 September 2020 | 09:00-10:30 | Room 2

Organised by the European Federation of Pharmaceutical Industries & Associations, European Cancer Patient Coalition and European Cancer Organisation

Controlling cancer in Europe requires the same mindset shift towards urgency, trust and collaboration that we witnessed during the COVID-19 pandemic. Due to the increasing burden and the complexity of the disease, the goal of living and coping with cancer will not be achieved by only one approach. EU institutions have been active in developing and implementing policies and actions aiming to reduce the cancer burden culminating in the current ongoing work on the “Beating Cancer Plan”.

Unfortunately, there are many elephants in the room when it comes to effective collaboration in cancer care: Different perspectives and expectations on priorities regarding the burden, equitable access to care, cancer budgets and spending, and the role of innovation.

Now, with COVID-19, a new elephant appeared.

A joint understanding about the objectives of Europe’s role in addressing the cancer challenge can change cancer patients’ lives. Join this session to continue the pan-European multi-stakeholder dialogue started in 2019 on the “Europe's Beating Cancer Plan” to contribute to policies with learnings from the pandemic.

Session Recording

Speakers & panellists

Setting the scene

  • Bengt Jönsson, Associate Professor of Economics, Stockholm School of Economics

First chat show

Second chat show

Closing remarks



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