
Dialogue, Transparency, Trust

Thursday, 04.10.2012 | 12:30 - 14:00 | Grand Park Hotel

Sponsored by European Federation of Pharmaceutical Industries and Associations

Dialogue, transparency, trust: what part do they play in aligning the pharmaceutical industry with social needs?

In the current context of financial crisis and constrained healthcare budgets, is Corporate Social Responsibility an opportunity or an additional cost? How do pharmaceutical companies organise their corporate models in order to adapt to today’s societal challenges and expectations while maintaining competitiveness and ability to innovate? How can responsible business behaviours foster collaborative research? How can stakeholders benefit from greater industry transparency and collaboration? What role for patient groups and healthcare professionals?

With an increased demand for greater transparency as a means to strengthen trust among the different health stakeholders and parties, the workshop will aim to assess how dialogue can be improved with initiatives organised by and with the industry, patient groups and healthcare professionals.


MG Baker, President, European Brain Council

R Bergström, Director General, EFPIA

E Borman, Secretary General, European Union of Medical Specialists (UEMS)

T Heynisch, DG ENTR, European Commission


J Bowis, President, Health First Europe

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