
Natasha Azzopardi-Muscat

Board member

Natasha Azzopardi-Muscat

Dr Natasha Azzopardi-Muscat is the Director of the Division of Country Health Polices and Systems at WHO Regional Office for Europe. She is the Past President of the European Public Health Association.

Dr Azzopardi-Muscat qualified as a medical doctor and proceeded to specialize in public health and health service management. Her transdisciplinary research bridging health policy, European studies and small states studies led to her PhD entitled “The Europeanisation of health systems: a small state perspective”.

She has authored several publications in public health and European health policy.

Between 2001 and 2013, she occupied various senior positions in the Ministry of Health in Malta, including that of Chief Medical Officer. Since 1999, Dr Azzopardi-Muscat has also been a resident academic at the University of Malta, in the departments of health services management and public health.

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